Don’t Touch These If You See Them on Your Plants

I mean, you always know where to find me? in my backyard. I love to plant a lot. Observing the fruits of your labor and watching plants grow is a really fulfilling experience. But let’s be honest—it can be really challenging. One of the biggest challenges is taking care of the pests. There are moments when you don’t even know which pests are beneficial to you and which ones would destroy all of your priceless belongings.

I recently came into a photo on social media that perfectly captures this ambiguity. The first time I saw it, I was afraid. The picture showed a leaf covered in little but intricate black geometric designs. At first, it looked like the leaf was covered in some kind of odd disease or an alien lattice.

After some research, I discovered that the strange patterns are, in fact, the eggs of Nymphalis Antiopa butterflies. If you are not familiar with this species, allow me to introduce it to you. Nymphalis Antiopa, the Mourning Cloak butterfly, is a fascinating insect with an odd life cycle and a few remarkable traits.

Let’s talk about the eggs first. The photo I saw showed these eggs on a leaf up close. They have the appearance of a thin covering of delicate black lace applied to the exterior. It’s actually rather nice once you get over your initial shock. Eggs are laid in clusters, and each tiny egg is a wonder of perfect geometry. When I first saw it, I thought, “This is either going to be really good for my garden or really bad.”

Fortunately, there is good news: the Nymphalis Antiopa butterfly has several uses. Although the caterpillars, or larvae, eat leaves, they usually have a preference for willows, elms, and poplars among other trees and shrubs. Therefore, you should be safe if you have a garden that is full of veggies and flowers. Since these butterflies also feed on decaying fruit and aid in the process of decomposition, they can really be quite beneficial.

Observing these butterflies during their whole life cycle is fascinating. Once they hatch from those strange, complex eggs, the caterpillars emerge. They are black with tiny white spots, and their bodies are spiky and bristly. They go through a sequence of events known as instars, when they enlarge and shed their skin.

When the caterpillars reach adulthood, they choose a safe place to pupate. Inside a chrysalis, which resembles a small sleeping bag, they transform themselves. The duration of this stage might range from a few weeks to several months, based on the climate and season. When they finally show themselves, they are magnificent Mourning Cloak butterflies, with dark, velvety wings that are flecked with blue and have a bright yellow border around them.

The behavior of Mourning Cloak butterflies is among their most fascinating characteristics. These butterflies hibernate in the winter, in contrast to many other species. They locate a comfortable hiding place under an old shed, beneath loose bark, or even in a pile of wood. They are among the first butterflies to appear in the spring, frequently even before the flowers begin to open. They get their name “Mourning Cloaks” in part because of their early arrival; the stark, early spring scenery contrasts with their dark, melancholy wings, which resemble a mourning garment.


As gardeners, we frequently concentrate on how insects affect our plants right away. When we see caterpillars, we fear that they will devour everything. However, it’s critical to stand back and consider the wider picture. The Nymphalis Antiopa butterfly is an excellent illustration of how nature maintains equilibrium. Although the caterpillars will consume some leaves, your garden won’t be completely destroyed by them. In actuality, you’re improving the ecosystem by giving these butterflies a place to live.

What should you do, then, if you discover these caterpillars or eggs in your garden? I would suggest letting them alone. Take pleasure in the procedure and observe the change. You can carefully relocate the caterpillars to a tree or shrub where they will be content and less likely to eat your priceless blossoms if you’re extremely concerned about your plants

In gardening, balance is crucial. It’s about finding balance with the animals you coexist with and the beautiful plants you love. When you see something strange in your yard the next time, investigate it a bit before using a pesticide. Just like when I found the Nymphalis Antiopa butterfly eggs, you might find something very amazing.

In the end, everything is a part of the journey. The wealth of each season, along with its challenges, is what makes gardening so rewarding.

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Don’t Touch These If You See Them on Your Plants
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