My heart was pounding as I stared at my daughter’s empty bed in her room. A week ago, my beautiful thirteen-year-old daughter, Amber, had disappeared from view. She was freckled and had blonde hair. It was the hardest thing I had ever experienced as a father. Without her, every moment felt endless and every second was a misery I could not escape. I hoped that she would come back to me when she called or knocked on the door as the days dragged by slowly.
Amber was not the type to run for it. I realize that’s what all parents say, but it’s true. I had a deep and personal connection to Amber. She was a contented and well-mannered child who always gave me pride. That she would just turn around and leave without saying anything was unimaginable. As each day passed without her appearing, my concern grew more intense and began to claw at my heart. I was certain that she had experienced a horrific incident.
The cops had a role to play, even though it seemed pointless. Their pathetic shrugs and pleading looks did nothing to ease my pain, even if they insisted they were doing everything in their power. I was desperate, alone, and totally lost.
I was crying outside one evening, desperate and frustrated, when I noticed a homeless woman nearby, going through a nearby dumpster. Upon seeing what she had flung over her shoulder, my heart stopped. Amber’s backpack! I knew it was hers because I could recognize the unicorn patch she had sewn on herself.
My pulse was racing as I rushed to the woman. Excuse me! Hey, where did you get that backpack? I begged, my voice trembling. She shot me a worried, bewildered look. Give it to my daughter, please. I’ll give you anything, including money, so please give it to me.
She handed the woman the backpack after giving it to her with caution. I thanked her profusely, gave her some money, and held the bag up to my chest. But when I opened it, my heart sank. It was nude. completely lacking. I had terrible thoughts flying through my head. What had happened to Amber? What was the purpose of her backpack here?
As for me, I came to understand the true strength of a parent’s love. My fear of losing Amber had tested me to the breaking point, but it had also strengthened my resolve and optimism. We had triumphed over the worst and come out of it a more cohesive and stronger team.
Even though Amber’s disappearance was the hardest thing I had ever experienced, it eventually made our relationship stronger. We were ready for anything that life would throw at us since we were a team. And I was confident that, with Amber at my side, we could conquer any obstacle.
Our story ended well, and I was thankful for it every day. The fact that Amber was safe was all that mattered. Having found one other in the shadows, we had worked together to figure out how to return to the light.