A tiny shelter dog astonishes veterinarians by giving birth to an unexpectedly large litter of puppies.

The vets of the Kentucky Humane Society heard about a female dog, that was stuck in an overcrowded shelter in Kentucky, so, they directly went for help.

The dog was evaluated by the veterinarians and found to be pregnant, but her condition required a C-section surgery to give birth. Momma Malone, the terrier, was brought to the shelter by Dr. Emily Bewley just in time for her to give birth to her pups without incident. So that Dr. Bewley could give birth in privacy at home, she took the dog.

The dog, however, had to be brought back to the shelter in order to give birth because she required a C-section. The physicians were shocked to learn that the dog had given birth to nine puppies in just twenty minutes during operation, as small dogs like Momma Malone often give birth to two to five puppies.

There were worries that the mother dog would find it difficult to bond with her little puppies, but as soon as she woke up, she behaved like a mother.

All the pups along with their mama will stay at the Kentucky Humane Society till they are ready to go to forever homes. How great!

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A tiny shelter dog astonishes veterinarians by giving birth to an unexpectedly large litter of puppies.
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