A loyal dog jumped in front of a school bus, instinctively protecting his blind owner from danger, leaving viewers in awe of this unexpected act of heroism.

Audrey Stone, lying in a hospital bed high in the Danbury Hospital tower, spoke softly of her eight-year-old golden retriever, Figo, her six-year partner, who on Monday in Brewster rushed between the legally blind woman and an approaching mini-school bus.

Stone jokingly said, “He needs the Purple Heart from the president.”

Stone’s third service dog, Figo (pronounced FEE-go), came from the Guide Dog Foundation in Smithtown. Leilani, another golden, and Buddy, the black Labrador, had gone before him.

Stone said of her initial meeting with Figo, “We clicked right away.”

I protect, love, and stand up for him. To put it plainly, our relationship is strong. Stone claimed that equipment was keeping an eye on her vital signs. She has a broken elbow, a wounded foot, and three cracked ribs, according to the doctors.

After their “regular daily stroll” into Brewster on Monday, Stone and Figo were en route to their residence on North Main Street, which is located across from the firehouse. Stone said, “I gave him the instruction to cross the street” when they arrived at Michael Neuner Drive.

“‘Go fast,’ I whispered. We were in the middle of the street, and although several others said he just jumped in front of the bus, everything happened so fast. Stone says.

Two kindergarten students were being transported to St. Lawrence O’Toole Childhood Learning Center by the Brewster schools mini-school bus. The driver, who has been stopped for questioning, claims not to have seen Stone or her dog.

Due to her weak vision, Stone claimed she only remembers one image from the collision: a hurt Figo crawling to her side while holding his injured right paw high.

Stone continued, “I knew he would be in a lot of agony.” “I saw him, and as he approached me, his paw was dripping wet.”

I was shocked, but I could also see he was in pain. I looked like a battlefield,” she said. “I remember that Figo was staring at me and trying to get close to me, but he knew I was hurt and didn’t know what to do.”

At Middlebranch Veterinary in Southeast, Figo had surgery to seal a laceration on his right front leg. A staff member reports that Figo is recovering and that his leg is in a sling.

When Stone and Figo’s story was released on Monday, it went viral right away, with media outlets racing to feature the assistance dog whose actions prevented a terrible outcome. Supporting readers emailed Lohud.com from North Dakota and Atlanta.

Those who are closer to you are also sending encouraging messages.

Pastor Jennifer Boyd visited Stone in the hospital on Tuesday and fielded calls from well-wishers and the national media. According to Boyd, Stone attends Trinity Lutheran Church, as does Figo, who goes up for communion but does not accept it.

When Boyd heard about the incident, he became upset.

“They frequently stroll there. For them, it’s a typical route. Boyd stated as much. And I’m completely aware of Audrey and Figo’s friendship. This makes it difficult to tell them apart. I understand that she has to heal where she is and he needs to heal where he is, but it would be best for them both if we could get them together as soon as possible.

Stone claims that additional surgery and rehabilitation are on the horizon, as the doctors want to closely monitor her. She doesn’t know when she’ll be able to spend time with her four-legged constant buddy again.

Stone is certain, “I would have been heartbroken if he had been murdered.” Still, she did say that they’d lived to tell the story.

Stone said, “I’m not shocked he did that.” “At the grocery store, he will maneuver between my cart and mine to prevent a shopping cart from rolling down the aisle. He has already performed that service for me.

On Monday, she had anticipated receiving a different kind of medical care.

She said, “I was supposed to have surgery on an infected tooth.” Did I really have a good excuse for missing it? she wondered.

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A loyal dog jumped in front of a school bus, instinctively protecting his blind owner from danger, leaving viewers in awe of this unexpected act of heroism.
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