They Found An Abandoned $10.5M Mansion — What They Found Inside Is Astonishing

Two urban explorers reported finding an abandoned 30,000 square foot mansion that was still fully equipped with high-end furniture.

BigBankz and Jeremy Abbott explored the rumored haunted 10-bedroom, 11-bathroom mansion on camera.

“The man who built this mansion was extremely talented; he attended one of the top medical schools in the nation.” Abbott’s online alias, JeremyXplores, stated, “He went on to become a surgeon, a father of four, and even a recreational pilot.”


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For the sake of privacy, he did not disclose the identities of the family or the location of the megamansion.

He claimed that in 2006, the individual managed nearby healthcare facilities and lavished $10.5 million to build a paradise for his family.

However, the father and one of his sons seemed to have perished in an aircraft accident while the house was still under construction.

His wife and the three surviving children were left in poverty after it seems that he had neglected to pay his life insurance payment before to his passing.

The YouTubers claim that despite paying $50,000 monthly payments, the family allegedly owed $8 million on the property, forcing them to compel the other members of the family to leave.

BigBankz and YouTube
BigBankz claims that the residence was owned by “a foreigner” until 2015, when he allegedly went back to his birth country and ceased paying property taxes.

Abbott claimed that expensive items were left behind despite the home’s features, which include an indoor pool, an outdoor sports complex, a four-car garage, a mahogany library, an elevator, and a mahogany bar.

A Land Rover, a Volkswagen Beetle, and a Mercedes-Benz were there.

The refrigerator has empty water bottles, while the main room has a “at least 12-foot” Christmas tree that is bare of decorations. The explorers assumed that a homeless person had “escaped out the window” when they arrived.

The opulent furnishings, the high-end cars, or even the flat-screen TVs weren’t the strangest items Abbott discovered indoors. “The small things, like the designer clothes with the tags still on or the Dior shoes in the closet, or maybe the jewelry and mountains of pricey makeup in the bathroom, are what I found so strange to be inside.”

“I find it hard to understand why these things were left behind, as they could have easily been packed up and relocated whenever the family traveled,” Abbott continued.

Abbott claimed that he stumbled onto the estate while looking through web ads for local foreclosed homes.

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The thrill of his assignment was quickly replaced by “reverence for the family who had lived there and watched their dreams come crashing down along with the plane that killed their father and his son,” Abbott remembered.

The eleven-hour investigation yielded an amazing experience and even better content.

People produce an incredible amount of waste, and every day, resources are thrown away in an incredible amount. “This house is a great example of this,” remarked Abbott.

“As I did when I first discovered this mega-mansion, people react with the same amazement and sadness for the family and the home that is starting to be consumed by nature,” the author says.

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They Found An Abandoned $10.5M Mansion — What They Found Inside Is Astonishing
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