Even the pianist could not stand it when she began to sing. He had never heard such a sound in his life.. Full video is in the comments

Perhaps the name Charis Pempengko means nothing to you. But the most popular TV presenter of our time, Oprah Winfrey, once called this young Filipino singer the most talented girl in the world. And believe me, she knows what she’s talking about.

When Charis was 14 years old, the whole world knew about her. This happened thanks to the incredible success of her video posted on YouTube. The famous producer and composer David Foster spotted the young talent and took the singer under his wing.

At one of the concerts, Foster even accompanied Charis himself. And that evening, the brilliant performance of the incredibly complex song “All By Myself” plunged him and the audience into a real shock.

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Even the pianist could not stand it when she began to sing. He had never heard such a sound in his life.. Full video is in the comments
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