From the moment they first set eyes on one another, Emma and Justin Cotillard were infatuated.
It was the happiest moment of their lives when they tied the knot. Emma soon found out she was expecting, and their lives appeared to be finished.
Sadly, things took a turn for the worst during her seventh month of pregnancy. Justin became quite hostile and screamed at her. Emma was shocked when he told her to leave the house one morning because, although Justin was the finest person she had ever met, this conduct wasn’t typical of him and in fact raised suspicious signs.
“He had forgotten I was expecting our first kid He mistook me for a total stranger”, Emma recalled.

So, instead of going on honeymoon, they went to the hospital.
Following a battery of testing, doctors broke the most heartbreaking news. There was a brain tumor in Justin. That was the cause of his hostile actions.
Emma begged to God that he at least gets to meet his daughter, even though it was stated that he would only have around two years to live due to the cancer’s unexpected progression.
After the kid was born, Justin’s health deteriorated quickly. “The doctors gave my spouse two weeks at home before he passed away.”

From the time of his diagnosis until his demise, medical professionals made every effort to preserve Justin’s life. However, the symptoms were severe and the malignancy was exceedingly aggressive. Even though everyone indicated there was nothing that could be done, Emma thinks that if the signs had been identified sooner, the situation would have turned out differently. His face was one of them, and neither she nor the late Justin gave it any thought.
Emma noted something strange about one of the wedding pictures. “It’s evident that he has a slightly lowered right side of his face.”

She posted the image and Justin’s tale to spread awareness and encourage people to get help as soon as they feel something is off with their health. Even though certain symptoms might not appear serious, identifying them early on might save lives.
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