The Most Tattooed Woman In Britain Painted Over Half Of Her Tattoos And Showed How She Looks With Them And Without Them

Briton Becky Holt is the most tattooed woman in her homeland. At least that’s what she calls herself. The girl’s body is 95% covered with drawings, and when it ran out of free space, Becky switched to her face. To see how she would have looked without her tattoos, the girl smeared the drawings on half of her body and face. Becky invited her fans to evaluate the result of such an experiment, and their opinions were divided.

Becky Holt is one of the most tattooed women in Britain

According to LadBible , the 33-year-old British woman has already covered 95% of her body with tattoos. The girl had to spend a lot of money on such an impressive number of drawings – she spent about £ 35,000 (more than 3.5 million rubles) on all the tattoos.

The girl admits that she herself cannot name the exact number of her tattoos.

Becky calls herself the most tattooed woman in Britain. On her body, you can find the names of her parents and a rose in honor of her deceased grandmother, quotes from songs. She also has a leg section dedicated entirely to her favorite movie.

When Beka ran out of space on her body, she began to get tattoos on her face.

At first, the Briton made tattoos only in those places where the drawings could be hidden under clothes. But soon there was no free space on her body, and she decided to decorate her face with tattoos.

Recently, the girl decided to compare herself with and without tattoos.

Becky painted over half of the face and body with foundation and Photoshop, leaving the rest of the drawings untouched.

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The Most Tattooed Woman In Britain Painted Over Half Of Her Tattoos And Showed How She Looks With Them And Without Them
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